

16 Cinema.001


Practicing for beginner students. Part XVI.

Напоминаю, на экзаменах дают карточки с темами, которые выражаются либо одним словом, либо одной фразой. 

Если вы учились правильно, этого достаточно, чтобы сдать говорение и автоматически письмо. Всё, что вы можете сказать, вы можете и написать, и прочитать, и понять на слух. Но делать это нужно в освоенных грамматических временах, да, и в любой последовательности. 

Теперь относительно любой темы в рамках уровня BEGINNER движемся из прошлого через настоящее в будущее.


When I was a child I didn’t like watching TV. In the evenings there was one programme for children and I liked it because there were cartoons. But when I was in secondary school I started watching American action movies and comedies.

I didn’t go to the cinema very often and I didn’t watch a lot of TV. I was always active and I was always outside with my friends. There were a lot of other interesting things. We played a lot of different games.

But I liked going to the cinema in the past. At that time everyone went there to watch movies.


Today I hate going to the cinema because people eat, drink and use their mobile phones a lot. It’s terrible. I try to go to the cinema in the middle of the week and always in the morning. It’s the only time when I can WATCH a film.

Online services are very popular nowadays and I like using different English and German platforms. It really helps to practice English and German all the time and it’s also great to use these services for teaching languages.


It would be nice to buy a good projector with a big screen to create a home cinema. And I would be happy to have professional cinematic sound. I’m going to learn more about it.

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