Personal details


Where were you born?

When were you born?

Where did you live, when you were at school?

What school did you go to?

Have you ever had a nickname? What was it? When was it?

Who gave it to you?

Have you ever changed school? When was it? Why?

How often did you need to speak in front of a lot of people at school/at university? How did you feel?

What foreign language did you learn? Did you like it?


What’s your first name?

What’s your surname?

How do you spell it?

Where are you from?

How old are you?

What do you do?

Are you married?

What’s your address?

Do you live in a flat or in a house?

What’s your e-mail address?

What’s your mobile phone number?

How many languages do you speak?


Would you change your name?

Why? / Why not?

Would you immigrate? Why? / Why not? When are you going to do this?

Would you buy a flat or would you build a house?

How often would you travel abroad?

Where are you going to go next time? When? What are you going to do there?

Would you work abroad?

Would you learn another foreign language? Which one? When are you going to start?



Choose any particular day at school or at university. Describe it.


What time do you usually:

  • wake up?
  • get up?
  • have a shower? Do you ever have a cold shower?
  • get dressed?
  • have breakfast? What do you like having for breakfast?
  • go to work? Do you like driving to work or do you like using public transport?
  • get to work?
  • start work?
  • have a cup of coffee?
  • have lunch? What is your favourite place to have lunch? What do you like having?
  • finish work?
  • go home?
  • get home?
  • go to the gym or a language school?
  • cook?
  • have dinner?
  • do your home work? 
  • watch TV? What programs do you like?
  • go to bed?

How many hours do you usually sleep?

Do you smoke? How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?

Do you drink alcohol?

Do you drink coffee? How many cups of coffee do you usually drink a day?

How often do you:

  • go to the cinema? What movies do you like?
  • go to the theatre? What plays do you like?
  • eat out? 
  • go to the hairdresser’s?
  • read? What books do you like?
  • listen to music? What music do you like?

What’s your favourite season?

How often do you go on holiday a year? Where do you usually go? What do you like doing on holiday? Who do you always travel with?


Describe your perfect daily routine and say what you are going to do to live like that.

Your flat or house


Describe a place where you lived when you were at school? What was there?


Do you live in a house or a flat?

How many bedrooms are there?

Is there a TV in your bedroom?

Are there any plants in your living room?

Do you have a bath?

What’s your favourite room?

Are there any shops near you?


What would be there in your dream house or flat?

What can you do?


Did you go to a music school? What instrument did you choose? Did you like it? (If not, what did you do instead?)

Did you go to a driving school? Where was it? How old were you? How long did the course last? Did you have any problems in mastering theoretical part of the course? Did you have any problems behind the wheel?

Have you ever learnt to dance? When was it? Did you enjoy these classes?

Has anybody taught you to cook? Did you have cooking classes at school?


Can you play a musical instrument? How often do you play? Can you read music?

Can you sing or dance?

Do you have a driving licence? Are you a good driver? Do you drive every day? How often do you use public transport?

Can you cook? How often do you usually cook? What is your speciality?

Can you speak another foreign language? How often do you use it?

Can you ski or water ski? Where do you usually ski? How often do you go there?


Would you learn to play another musical instrument? Which? Would you play in a band?

Would you learn anything new as a hobby? What? When are you going to start?

Would you do an extreme driving course? Why yes/no? What about motorcycles?

Would you do a course for chefs? What dishes would you cook more often? How often would you cook in general?

Would you learn another foreign language? Which? When are you going to start?

Is that true?




Is Spain colder than Russia?

Is walking better exercise than swimming?

Is Citroen more expensive than Rolls Royce?

Are women more aggressive drivers than men?

Is whisky healthier than wine?

Is weather in Portugal worse than weather in Britain?

Are the British friendlier the the Americans?

Is a chair more comfortable than a sofa?

Is flying more dangerous then driving?

Are footballers taller than basketball players?

Is Brazil bigger than Canada?

Are the British more stylish than Italian men?



How well do you know your country?




What’s the wettest place?

What’s the hottest place?

What’s the windiest place?

What’s the coldest place?

What’s the highest mountain?

What’s the longest river?

What’s the biggest city?

What’s the most beautiful city?

What’s the most popular place for tourists? Why?

What’s the best time of year to visit your country? Why?

What’s the best way to travel around the country?

What’s the most dangerous city?

